Join us in A Journey Around the World to Understand Ourselves
And Each Other Better
And Each Other Better
August 29, 2008
Louisville’s Kentucky Center, Todd Hall 10-5
Meet DeaFestival artists personally as we play together, create together, and learn to express ourselves! Use art, storytelling, and games the day before DeaFestival to discover the artist in YOU! You will have the opportunity to have the art created that day shown at DeaFestival (if you want) and to have one of your stories videotaped. By connecting with our feelings and experiences, we understand ourselves, each other, and the world better!
This is a FREE event!!
Lunch at WorldFest included free to the first twenty people registered!
or by calling (502) 564-4456 x4521 or x4507
Participants will receive more information and directions on August 26th.
Participants who choose can share their experiences in mental health and offer suggestions on how professionals can better meet the language and cultural needs of people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. This will be in a private, confidential setting Co-Sponsored by the Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Addiction Services, KCDHH, and the EKU Center on Deafness